Tests if the given geometry is empty
gIsEmpty(spgeom, byid = FALSE)
sp object as defined in package sp
Logical determining if the function should be applied across subgeometries (TRUE) or the entire object (FALSE)
Because no sp Spatial object may be empty, the function exists but cannot work, as readWKT
is not permitted to create an empty object.
Returns TRUE if the given geometry is empty, FALSE otherwise.
try(gIsEmpty(readWKT("POINT EMPTY")))
#> Error : Unable to parse: POINT EMPTY
#> GEOS reported: "rgeos_geospoint2SpatialPoints: empty point found"
gIsEmpty(readWKT("POINT(1 1)"))
#> [1] FALSE
try(gIsEmpty(readWKT("LINESTRING EMPTY")))
#> Error : Unable to parse: LINESTRING EMPTY
#> GEOS reported: "rgeos_geosline2SpatialLines: empty line found"
gIsEmpty(readWKT("LINESTRING(0 0,1 1)"))
#> [1] FALSE
try(gIsEmpty(readWKT("POLYGON EMPTY")))
#> Error : Unable to parse: POLYGON EMPTY
#> GEOS reported: "rgeos_geospolygon2Polygons: empty Polygons object"
gIsEmpty(readWKT("POLYGON((0 0,1 0,1 1,0 1,0 0))"))
#> [1] FALSE